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The sun is shining and the weather is warm. It’s vacation time! The first two questions you ask when planning a vacation are “where are we going” and “what are we doing with our pets?” While vacationing is undoubtedly exciting, planning the care of your pets while you’re away can be quite the opposite. Here are a few things to consider when going out of town:

Where will your pet stay?

Your absence can be stressful for your pet, so you’ll want to consider where your pet will most easily adapt:

  • In your home: In-home pet sitting is an option that has increased in popularity over the years. Pet sitters typically come into your home several times a day to let the dog out or clean the litter box, provide exercise or stimulation, and feed the animal. Some pet sitters offer overnight sitting for the ultimate emotional comfort.
  • A pet sitter’s home: Some pet sitters offer the option of having your pet stay in their personal home. This offers the added benefit of increased human attention without having somebody stay in your own home.
  • Boarding: This is a great option for those who would rather work with an organization instead of an individual pet sitter. Many boarding facilities also offer social time with other animals, if desired.

Does your pet have behavioral issues?

When deciding where to keep your pet, it’s important to consider any behavioral issues that may exist. Does your pet have anxiety? If so, it may be best to keep them in their comfort zone and have someone come to your home for care. You may think it would be great emotional support if your pet were to stay in the home of a pet sitter, but an animal with anxiety may become overwhelmed and unable to adapt. Does your dog have a lot of energy? Boarding might be the best option so the dog isn’t left alone for too long and you can ensure they have plenty of opportunities to socialize and play. You know your pet best, so think through what accommodations will best suit their personality.

Does your pet have special food requirements or medication?

Does your animal have special food requirements? Think through this before jet-setting out of town. Many boarding facilities offer to provide their own food for your pet, but make sure you consider how your animal will react to a dietary change. Will your pet adjust to an abrupt change in diet? Some animals have food sensitivities or are picky eaters. Whatever you decide, most pets enjoy consistency in their diet.

If your pet takes medication, make sure the schedule stays the same for the health of your pet. Regardless of boarding or in-home care, medication should not be an issue as long as you clearly spell out the requirements.

How can you make your pet most comfortable?

While you are spoiling yourself on vacation, don’t forget about all the ways your pet is used to being spoiled by you. To help ease the stress of your absence, consider all the extras that you spoil them with on a regular basis. Do they have a favorite bed, blanket, or toy? Is there a favorite snack or enrichment game that they regularly play? Try to provide your animal with all of the luxuries of home so that their stress is reduced.

August 3, 2023

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